Victoria Rian Eccleston

Friday, December 7, 2012

Not out of the woods...

Just when life seemed 'normal' again, Tori had another seizure. Of course it had to be when I was again home alone with her. This time I administered emergency meds and she came out of it rather quickly. After a quick trip to the ER, Tori came home and slept it off.

Then, sometime in August, Tori began having staring spells, which we thought might be absence seizures. It was hard to say, since we had never seen these types of seizures, and with everything we've read about the diagnosis, it was hard not to question things that were everyday baby issues.
We were admitted for a 24 hour EEG in September. This had to be Tori's worst night of sleeping ever, and still is to date. Thankfully the EEG did not show any seizures or even seizure-like activity.

Those of you who know me well, know how I am. Since the first day of Tori's diagnosis, I spent hours on the web reading everything I possibly could about Lissencephaly. I had been trying for 2 months to get an appointment with Dr. Dobyn's of Seattle Children's Hospital, who is considered a world expert on Lissencephaly. I remember my hands shaking while I held the phone, when his office called to tell us they would see us at the end of September.
To date, none of Tori's genetic testing had come back showing any of the mutations that are known to cause Lissencephaly. This was our chance to finally get all of our questions answered.

-Daddy and Tori sleeping after her seizure-

-Tori at her 24 hour EEG-

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