Victoria Rian Eccleston

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 2012

Up until now, I have been back-tracking to fill in this blog from all of the information we kept in Tori's journal.  We are finally up to date!
Here is an update as to where we as now with specialists and Tori's development.
This month we started seeing a new neurologist. Sorry, but I just couldn't bring myself to trust the one that blew us off in the beginning no matter how hard I tried.  We are currently working on switching Tori's seizure meds- weaning her off of one while increasing the second.  This has made her a bit crazy at times- going through the withdrawal of one and being more tired when the other dose increases, but overall she is handling it pretty well.
We also had a swallow study done, since it is so common for kids with Lissencephaly to aspirate. Luckily, this is not occurring with Tori. Her study did show more reflux than we thought so she will be seeing a GI specialist in a few weeks.
We are also planning to see a developmental pediatrician in the near future.

As for her development, althoughTori has been cruising for months, she is not yet walking. She just can't seem to get the balance. We are in the process of getting her fitted for orthotics that will hopefully push her along. Just recently she has started getting daring and trying to take steps on her own!!!!! I see a busted lip in her future!
She is doing great with feeding. She can now self feed with her hands, and her latest "yay for Tori" moment was when she started bringing a spoon to her mouth!!! Some of the food actually stayed on too!
Tori doesn't speak any true words yet, but is starting to use momom and dada with purpose. She does seem to understand most of what is said to her and she can follow simple instructions.

Tomorrow we plan on taking Tori to see Santa (hopefully this year she will stay awake!) and taking her to pick out her first real Xmas tree.
-Tori's Christmas Pictures-

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