Victoria Rian Eccleston

Thursday, December 6, 2012

From the Beginning...

Victoria Rian Eccleston, or "Tori," was born on July 19, 2011.  We were so lucky to have such a happy and easy baby. She rarely cried and began sleeping through the night at 8 weeks.
At around 4 months of age, we noticed that Tori always kept her right arm very stiff. After mentioning it to the pediatrician, she suggested physical therapy. Therapists quickly decided that Tori had increased tone and should attend therapy regularly. They also suggested a consult with a neurologist.
By the time of our neurologist appointment, Tori was around 6 months of age. The neurologist who examined Tori disagreed with the therapists and said it was simply her preference to keep her arm locked out. We should continue therapy, but no further testing was needed.

-Our baby girl-

-Tori at 4 months-
-Tori at 6 months-

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