Victoria Rian Eccleston

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Day Everything Changed...

June 12, 2012.
It was 5:00 and Tori was just finishing dinner. Without any prompting, she began clapping her hands.   This was another first! Just 5 days earlier she began to crawl for the first time. Life was good!
A few minutes after dinner Tori wasn't looking well. The only way to describe it was looking dazed and out of it.  I called Damon at work and told him something was wrong. Of course he had no idea how serious it was and just told me to call the pediatrician if I was worried. When I picked her up and could not get her to look at her reflection in the mirror I knew something really wasn't right. My first instinct was to go to the ER. As I ran around grabbing shoes and keys, Tori started vomiting everywhere. A few seconds later she went completely stiff in my arms and was unresponsive.
After telling the 911 operator my address, I'm not really sure what was said. I just kept watching to make sure Tori was still breathing.
I cannot describe how relieved I was when I heard the sirens getting closer. A male and female cop were the first to arrive. As he picked up Tori he quickly passed her to the female and said over his radio that the ambulance needed to hurry, she was barely breathing.  They believe she had a seizure.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, all of Tori's stats were back to normal and she appeared to just be sleeping, but her peaceful sleep didn't last long before she starting seizing again. This time her little arms and legs were twitching and she was drooling excessively into her oxygen mask. Tori continued to seize on and off for the next 4 hours. Doctors had already decided that she needed to be transferred to Children's Hospital but she was not stable enough to move. Finally, she was given a mass dose of Dilantin, which sedated her enough to make the trip.

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