Victoria Rian Eccleston

Monday, March 18, 2013

February-Still Going Strong...

February was a month full of doctors appointments, with not always the best news, but Tori's continued improvement developmentally made it a good month anyway.
Tori started the month off with another EEG.  Although I had been secretly hoping her brain suddenly cured itself, that wasn't the case. There was however, no new seizure activity so her medications remain the same.
Our next appointment was with GI. At this appointment the concern was raised that Tori has been losing weight, even though she eats like her mommy:-) We have since been giving her high calorie supplements daily and will follow up next month.
The last doctors appointment of the month has the most effect.  Tori was prescribed glasses due to being too far sighted. He left eye was turning inwards more and more frequently as she strained to see. (This has nothing to do with her Lissencephaly diagnosis and is just something she has).  Since getting them, Tori has done AMAZING with them!!!  She keeps them on all day with no problems...and she looks pretty cute too!

-Tori sporting her spectacles-

Developmentally, Tori is still going strong! This month she has continued to improve in all areas.
Her receptive language skills are developing every day. This month Tori started pulling the blanket up to play "Peek-a-Boo" on her own!! She has also been "hiding" things from  mommy on purpose. She loves to put her stacking cups down at her sides in her high chair and wait for me to look for them.  She is definitely getting the concept that her toys still exist even if she cannot see them, and often looks under the couch to see what she can find. Even though she still is not saying true words consistently, she can definitely understand them and is starting to follow orders much better. If you tell her to get a book, find her car, or pick up the spoon she will do it!

Tori's biggest accomplishment this month is how much her standing/walking has improved since getting her orthotics. During many PT sessions she has shown us that she can stand for up to 30 seconds, and take 2 steps independently before losing her balance.
Our proudest moment of the month came when Tori used her walker for the first time. This happened during a PT session while she was at daycare. She finally had the freedom to walk the halls on her own without anyone holding onto her!! 
The smile on her face the entire time was priceless. I am so lucky I was able to attend and get it all on video!!

-Tori walking with her walker for the first time-


-Tori being silly-

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