Victoria Rian Eccleston

Monday, March 18, 2013


I just wanted to put a quick update in here for March, even though we are only halfway through the month.  Last week, after discussing Tori's development with her regular therapists, the general census was pretty much the same...Tori seems to be regressing with certain skills.
The biggest area is probably speech. Although her receptive language skills are still improving, Tori has not attempted to say very many true words in weeks.  She also does not babble using consonant sounds nearly as much as she used to.
Gross motor wise, Tori is starting to drag her feet when walking or using her walker, and her left foot is turning in.  This is something that she had been doing months ago, and seemed to have overcome.
One other thing that was noted during a therapy session was her preference to stay fisted.  She was trying to turn pages of a book and could not because her hand was closed in a fist. This is also something that we have not seen her do in a long time.
Although her therapists all seemed to agree that this could be happening because of changes Tori is experiencing at home, I was not going to take any chances, so we have an EEG scheduled for this week to see if there is seizure activity that we are not seeing.
Hopefully this week we will get some answers and can get Tori back on track very soon!!!!

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